Braks Art

Paintings, graphics, prints, design

Category: Layout

  • Kadriorg Park Discovery Trail

    Kadriorg Park Discovery Trail

    Educational material

    “Kadrioru Park Discovery Trail 24/7” is an educational material that allows you to get to know the park on your own by giving instructions and hints to pay attention to, but it is also a helper for teachers to conduct exciting outdoor lessons.

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    The historic Kadriorg Park is one of the most species-rich conservation and green areas in the city of Tallinn and welcomes visitors throughout the year.

    The educational material was prepared in cooperation with the staff of the Kadrioru Art Museum and Kardioru Park and with the support of the Estonian National Culture Foundation.

    Learn and discover, be active and enjoy!

    PDF is available in Estonian, English and Russian.

    See at Eesti Kunstimuuseumi page (EST only) or download here English version: